Wednesday 30 March 2011

There's nothing like a good YouTube sesh

It makes me wonder what the hell I did before it existed. I remember being 14 and mad over Skunk Anansie just wishing there was a way I could see some video footage of them live. Now we can find everything we could ever wish for, (and a lot we wished we didn't have to see) and i'm ever so grateful.

A Bon Iver favourite of mine, The Wolves, done beautifully at Glastonbury 2009. This song brings a tear to my eye whenever i listen to it, but this version has a powerful effect simply due to the crowd turned choir of thousands, all singing together as the song builds to its climax. A stunning live performance by all accounts.

Love Bon Iver. LOVE Lykke Li. Put your hands together and you get an awesome result apparently.

Lykke Li has a new album out "Wounded Rhymes", it keeps her original quirkiness but adds a new, more aggressive style that suits her well and was somewhat lacking in her debut. It's much less "woe is me", far more "i'm a strong, confident woman". I'm partial to both but glad to see her taking her sound in a new direction that works well for her.

This song is  slightly contraversial, "I'm your prostitute, you gonna get some".....erm, ooookay...Well, thats one way of putting it, can't deny it's a good song though.

And this is a new discovery for me as of tonight, I don't know much about him yet but thought I would share it with you as a parting gift.

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