Tuesday 7 June 2011

A few things...

I've had a couple more articles published about *Chilled* in a Field 2010, about the wonderful Angel Kelly and Frodo Freud. Both gave fantastic performances at last year's event, and are up to some interesting things this year. Hopefully we'll see them both back there this year!!

Frodo Freud, *Chilled* in a Field 2010

Angel Kelly & Friends, *Chilled* in a Field 2010

I've decided to change my plans and stay in Australia for a few months longer than anticipated. Things have started going very well on the job front, and despite my initial thoughts on living in Sydney, I feel the best decision for me career-wise is to stick it out for a bit. I have some great friends here as well so the prospect seems a lot less daunting. It's not forever, but if there is one thing I have learned in my year away, it's that I need to be more flexible and not make plans so far in advance, because you just don't know what's going to happen. I never thought I would stay here, but I'm happy that I am. And i'm not booking a return ticket home just yet, we'll wait and see what happens. One thing I know is that i'll definitely be home for Christmas :)

Some Music Schtuff...

I'm taking a few weeks off at the moment, and thankfully there's been some great new music to keep me company. The most important of which has to be Jamie Woon's new album "Mirrorwriting". I've known Jamie for a good few years now, I used to watching him play at the smallest of small gigs and venues around London and was always moved deeply by his voice. His simple acoustic style was all he needed to wow people, nothing fancy, just great songs played out on his guitar and loop pedal. I always wondered when he would release his album, and why he hadn't yet. After listening, it's clear that it's because he was still defining his style, preparing himself for how he wanted to convey his talent. Keeping the same simple elements in place, Jamie has incorporated the delay heavy electronic components that have made stars of James Blake and Mount Kimbie, and it works wonderfully. The album is full of old acoustic songs and newer more upbeat ones, all in his new style, with haunting effects and spine tingling moments throughout the whole album. Favourites of mine below. Well done Jamie, looking forward to seeing you perform soon!

Speaking of James Blake, I'm a definite fan. I'd only heard bits and bobs before, mostly what Dom played me. And just like I did with Mount Kimbie, I didn't appreciate it at first. I promised myself that I would listen to the album start to finish at some point, and that I did. And I loved it. His voice is something seriosuly special, is it just me or does he sound black? He definitely doesn't sound like a twenty something white boy. Either way, his style, his lyrics, I love it all. The song that really got me is "Limit to your love". It makes me emotional for reasons only I know, and others could no doubt guess- i've always been one for wearing my heart on my sleeve. It's one of those things with music- if your feeling something its like every song you hear is feeling it too, and conveying your emotions through every sound and every word. How weird is that? Well, it's certainly true for this song, I only hope that it doesn't go unnoticed. 

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