Tuesday 2 November 2010

So you know I mentionned arduous bus journeys...

Well, last night's journey really did take things to the next level. As if a 10 hour bus journey up and down the mountainous "roads" of Laos isn't bad enough, whoever's running the show is clearly a complete imbecile. The bus was overbooked with 3 people having to sit in the aisles all night, but then, of course, the bus broke down in the middle of nowhere. And did anyone give us any information as to what the hell was going on? No. So we waited for 2 hours for another bus to pick us up. By this point we thought we were going to simply be parked up for the night so it was good news all around. And a nicer bus!! But, oh wait, EVEN LESS SEATS.

Allow me to introduce two very important characters in this night's events; The incapable Thai mother and her possessed 4 year old girl. Possessed why? Because she had the ability to SCREAM for 10 hours straight. Actually that's incorrect, she stopped screaming to throw up every now and again. Or piss everywhere. I am not exaggerating. 

Long story not so short, it was the bus ride from hell, with little sleep. As usual my iPod came to the rescue. A week earlier I had randomly thought of a track and couldn't get the tune out of my head. I had no idea who it was by, and around half an hour of searching did no good, I had to let it go. Damn it's frustrating when that happens isn't it? Well, on this particular journey, the child relentlessly screaming in my ear (did I mention they were sat across the aisle from me?), I decided Radiohead would be quite fitting. Their album "The Bends", one I haven't listened to much. And wouldn't you know, the song that had haunted me just 1 week before played in my ears, and made me smile with sweet satisfaction. 

Enjoy this wonderful version courtesy of The Jools Holland Show :)

Radiohead really do seem to be a marmite band. Loathing or Loving seem to be the main opinions, both of which I have felt. Many of my good friends have loved them for years, whereas I just couldn't get into it. The usual response of "they're droney and depressing" seemed quite accurate to me. It was only when my boyfriend at the time Alex played them to me (before we started dating but right when the butterflies were in full action) did I stop and think, hey, these guys are pretty good! I saw them through his devoted eyes, and took another chance. They proved to me that first impressions can be deceiving,  and you should never be afraid to go back on your seemingly firm rooted opinions on bands. If you do so, you are denying yourself some pretty special musical moments!

This is the song that made me fall in love with Radiohead. Its starts off so dark and morbid, with classic Radiohead "circling the drain pipe" type dreariness, but when the chorus kicks in, the orchestral like climax depicts a real sense of hope. He's really trying to pull himself out of the sink hole!! Its this type of contrast in a song that commands respect in my eyes, when its able to make you feel a range of emotions in just 3 or 4 minutes, they really know what they're doing.

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