Monday 29 November 2010

Welcome to Australia

I have now been in Sydney, Australia for 1 week. I was so dubious about this country, I had heard such mixed reviews. On the one hand, its sunny, sand filled and full of opportunity, but on the other, they have been known to be a tad backward. That's the diplomatic way of saying it anyway. The politics, the racism, the introvert nature, all reasons for me not to want to reside here for a whole year. But I arrived with an open mind, and i'm having a great time so far. I have met some amazing people, and already feel so at home in Sydney. 

If you have ever been to Australia you will know how expensive it is. We decided to couch surf and stay with friends as much as possible, which was a great decision. Couch surfing absolutely rocks! You meet some great people, and find out about great ways to travel on the cheap. I 100% recommend it when you're traveling.

So my number one priority (apart from making some money to survive!) is to find some great music in this great country. Being the one thing that Asia lacked, I intend to get my fill here to make up for the 4 months without. Gigs, festivals, raves, it's all happening here. And I will do everything in my power to be at every one possible. You've got the Sydney Festival in January, a huge variety of acts playing in a lot of different venues, festival fever hitting the East coast in the same month, and gigs and raves are literally everywhere you look. I'm in Heaven. 

Fat Freddy's Drop, The Enmore Theatre

I was looking forward to this gig so so much. The first gig in 6 months, it was well overdue. And one of my favourite bands was playing 2 days after arriving in Sydney, perfect!! Unfortunately they didn't quite satisfy. It was great having the whole gig experience again, in a beautiful venue (not unlike Brixton Academy but far more initmate) a beer in my hand, and a burger in my belly! But I was expecting them to pick up the pace at some point during the gig. Sure, i'll give them a few slow sensual numbers, but the whole way through? Nope. Doesn't cut it. Zero 7 are a chilled out band, but every time they play live they get the whole crowd dancing. For Fat Freddy, it seemed the whole crowd were talking. A lot. Loudly. Ah well. They'll be on the festival circuit so we'll give them one more chance, they are after all an AMAZING band.


What an awesome rave it was. A free BBQ on arrival, ozzie style, and 3 rooms of DnB, Dubstep and Reggae/soul. A live dance band outside, I literally did not stop dancing all night! Great concept, hopefully it will make its way over to the UK in time for the summer.

On to the must see events coming up down under! There's so many to choose from, believe me I have been doing my research!!
My pick of the Festivals

With the Chemical Brothers headlining this 1 day festival, it's a no brainer. It seems to have a more commercial feel to some of the others I have researched, which is OK with me. Its going to be one day of mayhem, I can't wait.

I'm seriously excited about this one. A camping weekender with fancy dress, its got Bestival written all over it. It's recieved rave reviews from everyone I have spoken to, all saying it's the best one they have EVER been to. What a claim. Gonna have to check it out, you know, for research purposes. Nothing to do with the fact De La Soul, Four Tet, Lamb, Belleruche and SO many other good people are playing. PHWOAR. Excited.

Such an interesting line up, it's got a bit of everything. Everything that I want and need. Faithless headlining, again it's a done deal! But add Erykha Badhu, Fat Freddy, Fake Blood and Rusko into the mix and we have ourselves one awesome party.

Fingers crossed, I will be at ALL of them :D

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