Friday 14 January 2011

Livin' for the City

Moving to a new city isn't something I have done before. Not really. Even when I went to university, it was close to home so I went back as and when I needed my washing done. And when I moved to Brixton with my boyfriend, that was close enough to beg for a lift home on a cold night (i'm very indepedant if you hadn't noticed already). But getting a flat and a job in Sydney? Well now that's pretty far. And having finally fled the nest properly, I think Sydney was a damn good choice for spreading my wings. There's great beaches (when it's not pissing down with rain), great food, yummy surfers, shopping until your heart's content, work that pays better than London, and i've got a lovely little en suite room in a house with Harri, and great friends living 2 doors down!!

As much as I love the idea of traveling by myself, to "find myself", I like having the safety net of friends around me. You know, to freak out with when I cockraoch crawls into my toiletries bag (actually happened) or my bag gets stolen (actually happened) or I see a hot guy (has happened ALOT). Friends old or new, as long as they're there and I can call them up and say "Hey, what ya up to? Lets do something fun". I don't think I was made to travel on my own, but I'm also fearful i'm telling myself that because its easier than lifting myself out of the comfort zone i'm nestled so nicely into. Either way there's no denying it, there's a lot of fun to be had in a city like Sydney with your mates. You want an example? Sure.

Plump DJ's @ Chinese Laundry. Perfect. Exactly what I wanted. 8 people + 2 boxes goon (Australian version of Lambrini, UGH) = drunken mess before we even get there. And when Plump DJ's come on, I danced and I sweated myself into a melted version of my former made up self. I'm giving the eyes to everyone but no ones taking them. I don't blame them, I look back at the pictures of the night and I get a fright. An actual fright. 

So there you have it. Sydney has been 100% approved by moi. For fun, food and friends. But not family. Because they're not here :( Which is why I will be going home in 6 months time to enjoy their company and a summer of festivals. Bring it on!

P.S. It's Friday night, but I am severely in need of a detox....with chocolate. But here's something to give YOU that Friday feeling, one all mighty dnb mix by Fiend. I can't get enough of it at the moment.

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