Friday 21 January 2011

mmm whatcha say?

Sydney is not my "lucky" city. I'm just going to put that out there. Not sure why it has to be in the public domain, but sometimes these things have to be aired. I'm almost 100% sure this is not my fault. My experiences so far of Australian men, and men of other nationalities that reside in this country, is overwhelmingly negative. For the most part they are egotistical, arrogant, sexist, racist, self obsessed pigs. I could go on. A friend of mine who has lived here for 2 years warned me that this would be the case, I wish I had just believed her and sworn myself off men, it would have saved a lot of embarrassment. Not just for me, but for the whole of the Australian male race. You know what? That's fine. Asia can be pretty full on in terms of backpacker fun, and quite frankly I was done anyway. But why do the guys have to be so mean? It has at times made me feel pretty crap. But I'm so over that now. Ladies in Australia, if you ever feel marginalised or not good enough because of the lack of braincells in the wanker banker surfer dudes, remember, for one it really isn't you, it's them.

P.S I realise this is a slight contradiction to my last post where I 100% approved Sydney. This is of course because men are not important enough to be considered in the overall view of the city life, and they should not damage a city's reputation. I therefore left them out of the equation, and gave them their own little post.

I have been listening to this song a lot recently, and funnily enough, the lyrics tie into the feeling of loneliness it is important to break free from. Imogen Heap has a beatiful voice that she loves to experiment and play around with, using various forms of technology and looping systems to do so. This song from her 2005 album "Speak for Yourself" performed live is a testament to her abilities. Maybe I should start experimenting?

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